Engaging Higher Intelligence Agencies in a Post-Roswell Civilisation: Expression,
repression and mediation
David Griffin, M.Sc.
As we
enter the third millennium the Western world has reached a point in its evolution
that the human species has never had to face before. Increasingly we must utilise
novel information areas in order to bootstrap our linguistic and conceptual maps
as we seek pathways forward. Maybe the core issue facing us at this moment is the ever-accelerating
revealing of 'Otherness' or the alien overmind and how we begin to interface and
process the higher intelligence agencies that beckon us forward into new cosmic
realms. A handful of writers have previously discussed the onset of this moment:
Teilhard De Chardin, Terence McKenna and Jean Baudrillard all had their own metaphors
for this transcendental signifier. Philosophical abstractions are one thing but
there is no doubt that the collective human psyche is feeling the backwash of
the integration of the alien Other in a far more visceral sense. The choice isnt
about whether to engage with these HIAs - its already here and its
already happening - the issue is more about what systems of mediation are used,
which parties intend to influence this process and for what ends.
Two events
that occurred within a decade of each other in the post war period symbolise the
main thrust and direction of this paper, these were the What
frightened the emerging military industrial complex in the 1950s was the degree
of openness that surrounded these events and the way the media reported it pretty
much impartially - they insured this never happened again by actively increasing
disinformation campaigns, control of media[2] and
targeting of those citizens claiming to have interfaced with the various alien
cultures. Additional complexities are introduced to the situation as it appears
that some above-government systems have made agreements with ET groups and this
agreement extends to maintaining a truth embargo on the subject. Thus today's
researchers face vast problems if they decide to become catalysts and educators
about this situation and in this study we'll examine some key points of contention
that appear during the ongoing disclosure[3] process
as communication with so called advanced beings becomes increasingly overt.
Exopolitics partially focuses on formal disclosure of the alien presence by government
structures it has to also account for other routes that may be conduits for the
same. It is feasible that some elements of black project or above-government groups
have or will trickle feed this information via usual methods [political policy,
mainstream media etc] as time goes by but it appears there is an equal amount
of persons who wish to maintain the secrecy for a variety of reasons: economic,
technological advancement, political and moral. Another avenue is that citizens
[group or individuals] will bypass most formal structures and encourage a process
of openness and dialogue themselves. Both of these methods are of course subject
to a third angle that is more unpredictable i.e.: that the ET overmind will continue
to disclose itself in a variety of possible
ways and both official [track 1] and citizen [track 2] systems[4] will
have to react quickly to take advantage of this in order to achieve their desired
outcome. Given the rapid adoption of a truth embargo in the post Roswell timeframe
and the continued attempts to maintain this status it looks as if citizens will
become the prime driver for catalysing communication, a preference that appears
to be mirrored in recent years in some alien groups also, many of which appear
to be increasingly engaging citizens via a variety of tactics that account for
the onset of repressive control structures. It also seems likely that some
ET groups adhered to some sort of galactic protocol and formally contacted government
structures initially only to
have these agreements broken[5].
Despite these points we need to view the subject within a prime directive
framework - no blatant ET intervention in cultures still developing in the gravity
well of their home planet as such a policy is undoubtedly functioning.
In the
process of drawing up a historical meta-map of track 1 and track 2 liaison episodes
we can perhaps begin to gain a foothold as to just where we are at present and
what needs to be done to end the denial and fully engage off-planet civilisations.
Exopolitics will only become a useful research tool if it embraces some of the
basic ground defined by deep politics an approach highlighted
by Peter Dale Scott[6] amongst
others. Deep politics essentially suggests that our usual methods of analysis
and investigation are wholly inadequate and rarely result in locating truly pragmatic
avenues forward. Part of this revolves around the issue of denial and hidden aspects
of todays highly complex social world, i.e.: we never get a true
reflection of whats going on because mainstream academia and media refuse
to consider how activities like organised crime, business and politics are now
tightly interwoven. The ET issue is of course one of these hidden elements that
prior to the development of exopolitical research most commentators omitted from
their view of consensus reality. By examining patterns in official and citizen
contact we open up the possibility of seeing post-Hiroshima social and political
activities in a different light.
There is little doubt that at various points throughout
history, humans have had various contacts with forms of intelligence that could
be described as off-planet, extra-terrestrial or trans-dimensional. Whether this
has taken the form of a communal communication or a more individual structure
varies with time and place but it stands out from more orthodox 'religious' worship
as it is usually has limited or no mediation between self and other. We find a
constant tension between this type of approach and that pushed by the cultural
power matrix because use of this direct method of communication implies holding
a worldview that to an extent bypasses the rigidity of this matrix. More recent
history has recurring examples where the priesthood continually attempts to assert
itself and its associated political belief structures by aligning itself between
the logos, the divine or whatever term we use for higher intelligence agencies.
In the contemporary world we have the Western military industrialists now doing
much the same with regards ET communication and liaison. In the post-Roswell era
the situation has become far more complex with the growth of a more aware populous,
faster communications and a fully integrated media.
In the 1950s there was a strange cultural erruption
from the fringe that threatened change the course of human history the
communal gatherings of international researchers at the Giant Rock in Landers,
What's interesting from our point of view is how this
kind of event, whilst you'd expect such an outbreak of novelty to continue or
expand, in fact was rarely seen again in that same form. Rumours of intelligence
agents mixing with these communities in this era and since appeared to have been
based on some truths - NICAP being one example of CIA monitoring and disinformation
dissemination. The media also switched from providing fairly objective accounts
of the 'space brothers' era to promoting the kookier side of things. By working
to present the conventions as fringe opportunism and crass commercialism, as opposed
to genuine exchanges of extraterrestrial information and citizen diplomacy, the
intelligence community won a significant victory. By discrediting these contactee
conventions and later organizations such as NICAP, it would be far easier for
the intelligence community to deal with individual contactees, researchers and
whistleblowers in future. Could it be that events such as giant rock represented
the modern format of direct intelligence
liaison and thus, due to its memetic potential with the mass media, the more
covert elements of the MIC made sure it never happened again? Instead we see the
continuation and expansion of individual contact cases without the group and mass
media element. For the short term, this suited the power matrix as even if they
couldn't totally prevent all forms of contact the individuals could at least be
contained and the media would play its role in trashing any cases that perhaps
got a little too 'real'.
From the examples below however - it does seem as if
this tactic was not wholly successful. We see time and time again that when this
alien form really wants to represent
itself through terrestrial humans it can do so. As we move through the 1960s to the current
date many of these contact cases get significant attention, to the point where
agents of these above-government factions have to step in and attempt to neutralise
the contactee - either by bringing them onside or by more direct means.
between Giant Rock and today we can plot the case of Billy Meier as another peak
where the alien presence began to disclose itself - this time via one individual.
Even within the UFOlogical community, the Billy Edward Albert Meier contact case
is often attacked as a hoax when in fact it represents a key element of individual
contactee evidence. Although the case has many strange and contradictory elements
- for sheer volume of associated images, testimony, witnesses and philosophy it
cannot be ignored. The BEAM case is complex and takes many months to investigate
properly but has to be used as an example here as were more interested in
the wider impact of the contact case than getting into circular arguments of validity.
Billy's contacts with the Plejarans re-started in 1975 when he met the pilot of
a scout craft called Semjase in a Swiss meadow near his home. For the next few
years [and to date as his support group FIGU would claim] Billy obtained an astounding
amount of images of Plejaran vehicles, met a number of ETs from their star constellation
and wrote up volumes of communications about their culture and the state of human
affairs on this planet. By the late 1980s Billy's contacts had gained international
recognition and it is now the best known contact case on record. In the
is no doubt that the Meier case represented a shift in how individual contactees
were perceived in the public mindset. The images alone put an end to the era of
UFOs pictured only as distant specks an element sufficient in itself to
attract attention from both positive and negative groups. In addition the rhetoric
passed on by the Plejarans was overtly confrontational. Semjase had claimed that
The case highlights several mechanisms via which
certain above-government groups responded to the contacts. Two of the early researchers
of the case, Wendelle Stevens and Lee Elders were approached by a member of upper
British political echelons in an attempt to bring them 'onside'[8].
They received letters written on both House
of Lords notepaper and also some indicating this person's supposed position
as Secretary General of the Royal Knights
Templar of Malta. When these were ignored a more direct approach was taken
and the
This aspect of intervention was less ominous than other
methods, that we could suggest had official directives, used to neutralise Meier.
He has also had several assassination attempts near his home - although we cannot
prove whether this is anything more than a few annoyed Swiss locals or religious
psychotics. In addition one of the biggest disinformation[9] campaigns
in UFOlogy was initiated against the case. Some of this could be said to be based
on the nature of the case itself but not all. A few core members of the UFO scene
seemed to make it their prime goal to destroy the case - usually making spurious
claims and desperate lies. We also have several episodes of what appear to have
been evidence removal or tampering. As disorganised as Meier seems to be - at
least some of these demonstrated responses by above-government assets.
In the last two decades there have been numerous individual
contactees that appear to have had significant interaction with ETs of some form
and have spoken about their experiences in some detail. If we see the Meier case
as a midway marker - more recent cases have similar elements but to date have
never reached the same degree of public awareness and exposure. We have to ask
if this is a deliberate decision on behalf of the entities they are in touch with
or is it as a consequence of the methods employed by the various intervening agencies?
Whatever the reason it seem that to some extent this form of contact is in fact
tolerated or at least the controllers have learned that the more direct attempts
to silence do not work. Given that the CIA sponsored Robertson Panel[10] provided
the impetus, we could suggest that the post Giant Rock era's warping of the whole
contactee phenomena via ridicule and disinformation has resulted in the [desired]
outcome that rarely do individuals directly connected to this phenomena pose a
significant threat - even the huge Meier
case was, at some level, thwarted. When we look at individual contact cases -
it seems there are two stages with regards external intervention. There are regular
accounts of official structures attempting to access contactees prior to their
case being fully publicised. People like Whitley Strieber, Jim Sparks and Leah
Haley all talked of military or shady official types trying to get information
from them in the earlier stages of their contacts. Sometimes this takes the form of
just monitoring - other times it is more nefarious with attempts at wrecking identities,
harassment and even mind control or new weaponry techniques. Once the contactee
continues to the phase of talking publicly
or publishing their accounts sometimes the tactics change or become more blatant.
Certainly it seems that the many modern intelligence apparatus around the globe
have people who they use as assets in both the media and UFOlogical circles for
continued monitoring and if needed, neutralisation.
Alex Collier's situation was interesting when compared
to the Meier case as he too had amassed a vast amount of information since his
contacts with the Andromedan race began in the early 1980s. He never distributed
images or video of his interactions but instead began passing on his accounts
to small groups like the various Gnostic societies with the support of author
Val Valerian[11].
Collier's information differed from many former contactees as it highlighted an
urgent agenda at play on the earth. This related to a group of dominating reptilians
whose exploits were being monitored by a galactic council led by the Andromedan
race. In some cases Collier pointed out, the various governments were aware of
this agenda and were either working with it or were helpless against it. He also
provided a lot of information that he would not have known under normal circumstances
such as the locations of DUMBs and other data related to MIEC systems. Like Meier,
Alex's physical meetings with the Andromedan reps were often held in remote locations
to maintain safety.
What stands out about Alex's case is that given his
continued pushing of the reptilian angle and as a consequence his failure to get
taken seriously by many with the UFO field you'd have assumed he would not be a priority for keeping quiet. He
had nothing more than his story to tell yet his case marks another shift in the
situation we are covering - the onset of networked technologies. By the end of
the millennium, the power matrix had realised that the internet was far more powerful
as a mechanism for distributing information than they had initially thought. Not
just information - the net was primed to distribute fringe information that was
not being dealt with elsewhere. It may
therefore not be a co-incidence that Collier get's more or less left alone, until
the late 90s when a website alone could bring fringe and "damaging"
information into the public sphere overnight. About 2000, Alex was approached
by several officials supposedly from Naval Intelligence and told in no uncertain
terms to stop disclosing what he knows. The threat was such that he agreed to
stop talking and presenting for the foreseeable future[12].
This case brings up another aspect of individual contact experiences insofar as
we should posit: does the response of the
NSA, CIA, or whichever agency, give us some indication as to the authenticity
of the contactees information? Was the fact that Alex had death threats
made regarding friends and family if he went ahead with newsletter distribution
and internet sites directly related to his disclosure that a powerful race of
ETs were actually not benevolent but preyed on the species and had been living
here for a long time? This type of disclosure is harder to debunk when, as with
Collier's story, it is accompanied by accurate
information in other areas such as science, astronomy and evolutionary history
In addition to the two contact cases above - other individuals
have succeeded in having a wide variety of contact experiences and disseminating
the information associated with it. Although Steven Greer was part of a group
when they began using protocols to vector ET craft into arranged locations he
was, along with an assistant, targeted by a branch of the military that saw his
activities as a threat during the 1990s. He believes that some mechanism was used
to give him fast acting cancer and although he underwent treatments and recovered,
his assistant did die as a result.[13]
Using our model, it could be possible that CSETI [Centre for the Study of Extraterrestrial
Intelligence] made the power matrix uneasy as it represented a possible contemporary
form of the Giant Rock meetings. The possibility existed again for individual
contactees to spread their experiences to a wider section of the public and thus
their response was increased proportionally. Karla Turner also represented a similar
threat due to her status as a medical doctor, her activist stance and the fact
she refused to tone down her discussion of negative abductions. There is some
suggestion she was also killed in a similar manner.
There are few it seems that do not attract at least
some intervention and probably some that result in death of the contactee. Paul
Bennewitz was certainly hassled to a large degree resulting in mental breakdown
but how much of this was a direct result of AFOSI operations is unclear. Jim Sparks
experienced years of long abductions/contacts with what appeared to be little
'official' interruption. It seems that the technological abilities of ETs to take
people onboard craft and re-align temporal systems provides opportunities for
such things to occur unimpeded. Whilst living between his actual experiences
We can see that there has been an ongoing process
of individual people recording and distributing their contact experiences in the
post Roswell era we've considered - from the detailed accounts of Adamski and
the people associated with the Giant Rock through to the continued experiencer
reports of today. In some ways the direct contact situation offers less
of a problem to authorities as it is a subjective method of communication
- the exact opposite of a mass UFO landing. However this aspect also means the
people are hidden - some contacts even take the total non-physical form of channelling
[see for example the highly detailed and 'flowing' sessions of 'Bashar'] the ET
representative[s] directly - relating to individuals at the synaptic
or consciousness level - so there is little to actually intervene for,
until the message is communicated to a wider public. Bill Hamilton made an interesting
comment in his account of the situation at the Giant Rock. He told about the contactees'
use of electronic receiving radios for alien communication but they soon learned
that the preference was for direct telepathic forms instead. If this and telepathic
forms are the preferred method of communication, to some extent it puts multi-million
dollar programs like SETI in perspective!
It seems that the responses to this network of contactees
vary from case to case depending on a number of factors - probably many we are
not aware of: some are left alone, some are tackled by deliberate confusion or
media misinformation but others have fairly obvious tactics of harassment. Some
cases have been reported where government structures have helped the contactee - Elizabeth Klarer
was having contacts in the 1950s and 60s and was allegedly taken to the location
of her ET meeting by the South African air force[14].
We have to ask just how much of this is going on when we especially consider the
evidence of Jim Sparks as we may well hear about more incidents of negative intervention than those that appear to offer a degree of facilitation.
Communal locations such as James Gilliland's ECETI[15]
ranch have been operating for a number of years with significant success in demonstrating
Et craft interactions with guests but it appears that even this organisation has
had to deal with some indirect challenges[16]
to its survival and growth despite the fact it remains in an isolated location
and under the radar of any real media attention.
Whilst we can therefore create a post-Roswell historical
map of the changing nature of the ET contact experience and the reactions of state
apparatus to this its important to highlight what we mentioned
at the start of the article regarding the deep structures ever
present in the equation. So although a pattern emerges of communal
contact breaking out in the 1950s with its opposing
reaction and the move to individual type ET liaisons such as the few mentioned
as examples we must also account for the
complexities that are layered on top of this model. These include the fact
that some ET races appear to be present on the planet itself and living day to
day lives. This would suggest there is either a degree of tolerance to human/alien
contacts or the ability to do anything about the situation is limited. The whole
area becomes confused at the point where ETs and elements of the government are
liaising together on projects. In this scenario we have an interweaving
mesh of actors and stakeholders with the boundary between terran/ET beginning
to blur. In addition it is likely that the differing ET groups or alliances are themselves acting as agenda
or disclosure arbiters. However, instead
of concluding that the situation is simply too big for us to interface with, we
should increase our collective efforts to examine and interface with the phenomena
just in case those mediating with the various off-planet cultures are not the
sort wed want to be representing the human race at this crucial point in
evolutionary history.
About the Author: David Griffin
- Born in the English Midlands, he has lived in many areas of the
[2] See: http://www.disclosureproject.org/mediaplay.htm and Project Mockingbird
[3] Exopolitics tends to see disclosure as an ongoing process although many agree that a formal announcement by some national or trans-national body is urgently required.
[4] Conflict resolution and liberation theology both highlighted the dual track approach to seemingly intransigent issues. For an overview of these systems see: http://www.colorado.edu/conflict/peace/treatment/citdip.htm
[5] The Pleiadian group contacting Billy Meier claimed to have approached the Carter government during the 1970s see: http://www25.brinkster.com/chancede/Cnotes.html. Jim Sparks discusses the breaking of ET-Terran agreements here: http://www.exopolitics.org.uk/media-objects/audio/cosmic-trigger-radio-%11-jim-sparks-sessions-1-and-2/
[6] http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~pdscott/
[7] See: http://www.tjresearch.info/BillyYes.htm
[8] For the BEAM and UK/CIA links see UFO-Congress talk on video by Wendelle Stevens and Michael Hesseman
[9] Michael Hesseman has been through and adequately disputed the majority of the points made by Kal Korff in his book debunking Meier Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story
[10] In 1952 this group put forward the idea of covering up the growing UFO issue by ridicule. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search/Robertson%20Panel
[11] See the book available free online - Defending Sacred Ground
[12] http://www.galacticdiplomacy.com/Contactees-Collier.htm
[13] http://www.ufomind.com/misc/1998/jan/d14-001.shtml
[14] See Jeff Rense audio archive sessions on Elizabeth Klarer
[15] http://www.eceti.org/
[16] Gilliand has described problems attempting to obtain foundation or charitable status for his organisation and puts this down to bureaucratic interference from above.