Vol 3:2 (July 2009). ISSN 1938-1719
Introduction to Volume 3:2
From Secret
Empire to Galactic Civilization
Our planet is undergoing a fundamental transition. Secrets hitherto kept from the mass of humanity for millennia are suddenly coming into the open. This has led to the exposure of many practices and institutions that are not in integrity or in the best interests of the planet. Elite groups long accustomed to secretly manipulating humanity with impunity, are having to face a collapse in their ability to control human perceptions and behaviors. This issue of the Exopolitics Journal deals with the fundamental transition of humanity from a Secret Empire controlled by a few elite families and institutions to a flourishing Galactic Civilization where humanity openly interacts with extraterrestrial life.
The first article by Come Carpentier, “The Global Crisis and the Ultimate Secret of the Empire,” discusses “a secret world (or quasi-global) government which is by definition neither democratically elected nor publicly accountable, and which may have been able to connect with or tap into forces that are at least partly non-human and possibly originate outside our planet.” Carpentier discusses the current global crisis and how this relates to the “Ultimate Secret of the Empire” that limits humanity in “a very large and critically sensitive covert endeavour to understand, "reverse engineer" and harness technologies and processes possessed by extraterrestrial or alter-dimensional beings.” He discusses a number of books that expose the secret empire that has hitherto dominated humanity through exploitative practices that serve the interests of a few key families and institutions.
Neil Gould, the first graduate from the Exopolitics Certification Program,
revisits the Adamski case by reviewing the testimonies of key witnesses and
investigators. He finds much merit in the independent investigations that
concluded in favor of Adamski’s claims of having extraterrestrial contact
and having briefed European dignitaries about these. Gould reviews the testimonies
of pilots, government employees, photographic experts, and space craft footage
that conclusively support Adamski’s claims. Gould concludes that Adamski’s
revelation of benevolent human looking extraterrestrials visiting humanity
was subjected to a psychological warfare campaign based on deceit and debunking
to discredit his testimony. As the next article makes clear, psychological
warfare featured very prominently among the tools used to maintain secrecy
about extraterrestrial life and the ascendancy of the secret empire.
“Kennedy’s Deadly Confrontation with the CIA & MJ-12” is the first in a two part series of articles covering President Kennedy’s historic efforts to reassert Presidential executive authority over classified UFO files. Beginning in February 1961, Kennedy started asserting Presidential control over psychological warfare programs and covert CIA operations. Such programs were deeply involved in maintaining UFO secrecy and Kennedy pressured the Director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, to grant access to Kennedy’s designated government authorities. Dulles refusal laid the foundation for a set of secret directives by MJ-12 that would later be implemented with devastating consequences when Kennedy began a new set of initiatives for greater access to UFO files in September 1963. President Kennedy challenged the secret empire with all the powers of an American president and ultimately failed. Exposing the true history behind Kennedy’s confrontation with the CIA and MJ-12 will help unravel the power of the secret empire and assist humanity’s transition into a Galactic Civilization.
In “Exopolitics and its role as a catalyst to
Space Migration”, David Griffin examines the fundamental transition of humanity
into a galactic civilization. He says that “terrestrial economics is perhaps
what gives us the greatest amount of inertia” and “global finance has become
inseparable from other thought processes and thus futurist planning.” He
discusses financial and other social problems that need to be overcome for
humanity to venture boldly in a colonizing effort into outer space.
George LoBouno’s article, “Determining Human Relations with Aliens,” is a disturbing analysis of the challenges posed by extraterrestrials that have liaised and reached agreements with secret government authorities. He points out the origin of the liaisons began during the Eisenhower administration where the Rockefeller family featured prominently in developing policies on extraterrestrial affairs. LoBouno points out that “Rockefeller ended elected official control of alien-related programs, a move that Eisenhower later regretted.” Within months of agreements being reached, “[Gray] aliens were allowed basing rights on the Nellis Air Force range.” If LoBouno and Neil Gould are correct in their respective articles, it appears that a two pronged strategy was adopted with visiting extraterrestrials. Agreements were reached with humanoid Gray aliens with questionable agendas who liaised with military authorities, while human looking extraterrestrials were shunned by the same authorities who dismissed the ethical agenda of the latter. LoBouno’s article helps expose those extraterrestrial groups that are vital props to the secret empire and must be contended with in humanity’s transition to a Galactic Civilization.
In the final article, Michael Gintowt discusses the emerging field of exopsychology that examines the implications of exopolitics. He says: “Exopsychology would tap into and integrate the data provided by disparate disciplines, conduct research, and ultimately, develop theoretical models that would help bridge the gap between the objective and subjective worlds.” He adds that exopsychology “incorporate findings of nonlocal interactions between humans, and take into account the full range of the UFO related phenomena, including the abduction experience and “high strangeness”.” Gintowt’s article also provides valuable insights into the psychological factors that need to be considered as humanity transitions into a galactic civilization.
All seven articles in this edition of the Exopolitics Journal provide a detailed overview of the challenges facing humanity in transitioning from a secret empire dominated by a global network of elite families and institutions, into a galactic civilization. While the challenges are enormous, humanity’s destiny beckons and all must accept the challenges posed by such a fundamental transition. While the transition will not be easy, it cannot be escaped and all the articles in this edition of the Exopolitics Journal provide insights for those desiring a harmonious transition. The July 2009 edition of the Exopolitics Journal is available for free online at: http://exopoliticsjournal.com/
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Chief Editor, Exopolitics Journal