George LoBuono, M.A.
The US government’s first direct, face-to-face contact with aliens occurred decades ago, when grayish skinned human-alien hybrids crashed near a New Mexico airbase. After the US military concluded that the aliens probably had some human genetic composition in them, US officials scrambled to develop safeguards against a stealth intervention on this planet by aliens of unknown origin. The intrusion of aliens with advanced technology and capabilities occurred at the outset of the Cold War, which compelled Truman’s government to guard information about aliens as a military secret. For over four years, Truman had direct control of the US government’s alien-related programs. However, in 1953 President Eisenhower let Nelson Rockefeller re-design executive security structures. Rockefeller ended elected official control of alien-related programs, a move that Eisenhower later regretted. Multiple former official witnesses say that within months, aliens were allowed basing rights on the Nellis Air Force range. Subsequent secrecy of alien-related programs allowed crime to proliferate within them, unchecked by rigorous public oversight. As a result, early human relations with aliens were largely determined by the Roswell Grays’ alignment of aliens, rather than humans. Questions were raised about the intentions and material ambitions of such aliens. Under the circumstances, the situation could only be corrected through exposure and independent human investigation of aliens and alien interactions.
Cont. from “Determining Human Relations with Aliens,” Pt 1:
his farewell speech, President Eisenhower may have alluded to the threat that
the Rockefeller coup posed to humankind. His successor John Kennedy reportedly
tried to reassert presidential authority over secret programs but Kennedy was
murdered, which deepened the coup and caused later presidents to fear the
secret programs, also. A friend of Jimmy Carter told CSETI Director Dr. Steven
Greer that when Carter asked outgoing CIA director George Bush Sr. about
alien-related programs, Bush wouldn’t give Carter any information. Carter was
later approached by “a suit,” who said, “Sir, if you would like to complete
your first term as President, you will keep your God-damned mouth shut about
this UFO matter.”39 Bush Sr.’s Pennzoil corporation was partly
bought from the Rockefellers. William Cooper said that George Bush served on
the MJ-12 council and was later assigned a prime, covert role in narcotics
importation.40 Numerous whistleblowers
who’ve spoken about Bush Sr.’s CIA work and his bizarre invasion of Panama to
get Manuel Noriega, a CIA narco-agent, point to Bush Sr.’s narcotics role.
1994 one of President Clinton’s friends told Steven Greer “there’s a consensus
that if the President does what you’ve suggested to him and to the CIA
director—that they exert executive power to get inside this (alien-related
programs) operation and disclose it—the President will end up like Jack
Kennedy.” 41 In other words, Clinton might be murdered. Later, in
April of 1996 Greer’s CSETI was scheduled to meet with former CIA director
William Colby, who reportedly said he wanted to give CSETI materials to make
sure CSETI had hard evidence and documents for its disclosure effort. That
week, Colby, an adept swimmer, was found drowned, fully clothed, in the Potomac
Not only did the coup of 1953 place potentially dangerous alien technology in the hands of the Rockefeller faction, which had done heavy business with Nazis and was later implicated in crimes against humanity, it led to an effectively uncontrollable alien presence on US soil. Thereafter, US presidents were removed from their constitutional role and were threatened with death if they tried to reverse the Rockefeller coup.
The US government
had reverted to a pre-revolutionary form that was, in some ways, worse than the
old British monarchy. Navy intelligence officer William Cooper reported that in
1954, acting on Victor Rothschild’s advice, Dutch Prince Bernhard (a former
Nazi) formed the Bilderberg council so that an international elite of
Rockefeller cronies could share control of alien-related programs.43
how could a relatively small group of Rockefeller cohorts run a crime empire
within the government of a democratic nation founded on a revolution? As
Michael Salla points out, the CIA Act of 1949 allowed the CIA to secretly take
funds from other US government agencies and then spend them without regard to
law about their use. Salla and others estimate that up to $1 trillion in
officially unaccounted-for funds are cycled through the CIA yearly, apart from
its much smaller, less-than $10 billion budget.44 That appears to
have been the mistake that stalled future evolution of US democracy and allowed
a small group of financial gangsters to run an empire of narcotics crimes,
murder, and theft of government materials within the US government, unknown to
the people of the nation. Bush’s I and II may have worked to augment the
criminal refuge provided by the CIA Act of 1949. Their executive orders, along
with both the Patriot and the Homeland Security acts, may provide further
loopholes for sustaining such crime.
Rockefeller coup led to crimes within a privatized sub-regime that reportedly
fabricated “scalar” electromagnetic technology that could, conceivably, be used
to threaten destruction of this planet if it doesn’t follow the plan of an
occupation-phase sub-regime. Cathy O’Brien alleged that George Bush Sr. made a
direct, explicit threat to that effect, while journalist Benjamin Fulford
suggested that David Rockefeller’s subordinates used scalar weaponry that
killed people in Japan—just to prove that they could do it.45 The
severity of crimes committed in alien-related programs was best summarized by a
senior Science Applications International Corporation executive who told Dr.
Steven Greer that in order to support alien-related projects and black budget
programs, “there was an army of 8000 men who did nothing but import drugs under
the cover of classified, need-to-know programs. He stated that of the 8000 men
involved (as of 1997 when we spoke of this) that 2000 of them had been killed
for sometimes minor infractions of security.” 46 That 2000 killed is roughly half the number of
revolutionaries killed in battle during the American Revolution.
Even if we allow for inaccuracy in some of the sources noted above, we see a general pattern. The Roswell crash precipitated a military research program that was intended to help defend against potentially dangerous alien designs on this planet. However, the superior maneuverability and capacities of alien craft and genetic sciences allowed the Roswell gray aliens’ alignment to use subordinate groups (gray varieties, Tall Whites, and possible late-stage hybrids who look nearly human) to both approach and infiltrate human society, probably beginning years before the Roswell crash. Compared to such aliens, humans lived in a kind of flatland and knew little about life and resource strategies beyond their one small planet. Consequently, early human defense against gray alignment intervention was thwarted and then essentially turned against the US government via the Rockefeller coup of 1953. Subsequent secrecy forestalled a public response to the situation, and part of the US military was compromised by a trickle of alien technology into its hands, which strengthened the hand of the coup faction. That posed a major problem for humankind.
A supposedly equalitarian alien colonizer was effectively using elite human actors to frustrate independent human sovereignty. In order to deepen their leverage within human society, they worked against a more decent, equal human order. Apparently, the policy was rationalized as though the ends justify the means, a kind of winner-takes-all approach. The manipulation of human conflicts set the stage for an allegedly self-described colonizer to intercede, then lay claim to planets in several nearby star systems. The general outline of the evidence suggests that the plan was to wear down human resistance in order to maximize conformity and industrial productivity among a human worker population, which might then be tasked by the colonizer. That, in turn, suggests that the early historical origins of the gray alignment may have been cruder than human officials suspected from 1954 through the mid-1960’s (and later) when Clifford Stone saw a gray alien working in a US base somewhere not far from the nation’s capital. *Early agreements with the grays may have been voided by a firefight between the grays and US soldiers in the S-4 section of the Papoose Dry Lake base (or another location) in 1975, according to Michael Wolf, Clifford Stone and other whistleblowers.47 Dozens of US guards were reportedly killed in the incident.
Further complicating the situation are fairly innocent humans who assume that the relative backwardness of human regimes means that all alien contact is good for humankind. Awed by aliens who use mind-activated, mind-reading technology, some contactees want to think that aliens who travel between stars using advanced technology can do no wrong. It’s easy to see how they might think that. First contact can overwhelm a person, especially if leads to new and unexpected insights. As a result, some contactees see altruistic, if not angelic motives in gray alignment actions here. More problematic is a US Air Force faction that thinks joint work with an alien colonizer is okay, for now, as long as we can learn more about alien technology.
Bust of Roswell Gray Alien |
In sum, early direct contact led to conflict that was easily manipulated to a reported colonizer’s advantage. At the time, Cold War bipolar relations stalled public disclosure about aliens. Ironically, US government secrecy, coupled with alien stealth and advanced technology, allowed aliens of the Roswell grays’ alignment to more easily control the scope and disposition of human-alien relations. As a result, there was public confusion about both the nature and the intentions of aliens. Rather than discuss the larger universal variety of extraterrestrials, human discourse tended to degrade into debate about one very distant group of aliens—the Roswell grays’ alignment. Despite abundant data about other, competing aliens, public analysis was flagging. People didn’t see far enough, clearly enough, to get a good overview.
After the Cold War ended and humankind still wasn’t ready to submit to an aggressive alien intervention, the Rockefeller-Bush faction and its cohorts plowed the West into perpetual war against an ambiguous “terrorist” enemy that was financed by the Saud family, close Rockefeller and Bush family cronies. By then, disclosure about aliens was long overdue. However, now that old regime mainstays David Rockefeller and Bush Sr. are both aged and essentially non-competent, the Rockefeller-Bush faction lacks strong leadership. A closely allied Goldman-neocon group may want to continue in their stead but was partly discredited by Bush Jr.’s failed presidency. Meanwhile, an aviation industry stronghold among DuPont family interests remains closely aligned with the 1953 coup plotters and has long used men like Bush Sr. to do its dirty work. However, with DuPont-owned GM now failing along with other DuPont holdings, that part of the old regime is also in crisis.
As a result, public impatience with the collapse of the old financial order makes the situation ripe for a much-needed reordering of human-alien relations. Rather than passively submit to the first alien group that chose to intervene in human affairs, we can actively debate the wider variety of alternatives available to us. In order to do so, we must expand and refine both the scope and the nature of our analysis. For that reason, we need to know where we live in relation to the universe’s population centers.
The universe contains billions of galaxies grouped into a vast, intertwining variety of different galaxy superclusters. As any astronomer can tell you, if there are prevailing social norms and considerations among aliens, they’ll be defined by interactions that occur in superclusters, each of which contains thousands of different galaxies. Most aliens probably reside in galaxy superclusters, which contain most of the galaxies of the visible universe. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is far out on the edge of a medium-small supercluster (Virgo) that includes about 2000 galaxies. To see where we live in relation to other galaxies, see the website
Recent estimates suggest that many trillions of different intelligent populations may live throughout the cosmos. In other words, there is diversity among aliens. No single regime could encompass the entirety, which means that cooperation among aliens is likely based on joint resource considerations or a shared energy ecology. Logic and some preliminary data suggest that social dynamics lead to different kinds of alien interactions: large, mega-populations of various sorts counterbalanced by smaller trading groups and independents. Clearly, not all aliens are aggressive colonizers.
To adequately
assess the exopolitical circumstance in which we live, we need to look at the
ecological and trade implications of our large-scale, intergalactic
neighborhood. As Alfred Webre has suggested, pre-existing interactions between
aliens in our vicinity may determine the context of our future relations with
other worlds. More specifically, two major developments have already set the
stage for alien relations in our part of the universe: a future merger of our
Milky Way galaxy with the nearest large spiral galaxy Andromeda, and the
inescapable entwinement of our galaxy’s affairs in those of the Virgo
supercluster of galaxies upon which it borders.
Intergalactic dynamics of the sort may seem
faceless and distant to some readers, yet the aliens that humans have
encountered, to date, reportedly speak of intergalactic concerns and
interactions. Although the nearest large spiral galaxy, Andromeda, is 2.3
million light years distance away, contactee and whistleblower reports about
faster-than-light alien travel suggest that advanced alien technology can cross
such distances, given such aliens’ longer lifespans. As a result, only at a
galactic level and larger can we begin to identify the trade and ecological
codes and conventions that will define our long-term relations with alien
neighbors. We need to anticipate such conventions in order to assure our
survival in what may be a densely inhabited, competitive environment.
Since the
gravity of dark matter and the spatial expansion of dark energy brings some
large galaxies together, causing them to merge, there is abundant precedent for
the kind of crises that will occur when, as astronomers predict, our galaxy
merges with the Andromeda galaxy some 3 to 3.5 billion years in the future.48
Although astronomers say the vast space within galaxies results in relatively
few star collisions during such mergers, both galaxies will lose their old
shape. Some stars will be flung out of the final merged galaxy, while others
will be hurled into the hot region near the merged, single galaxy’s central
black hole. Since galaxy mergers displace some planets from a galaxy’s
habitable zones, there are exopolitical considerations that begin at the galaxy
level yet may only be definitive at a galaxy supercluster level, or larger. At
present, there are many galaxy mergers occurring in the Virgo supercluster. All
such mergers involve political and ecological considerations, in a larger
That raises an
important question. Must alien populations battle to claim habitable star
systems during galaxy mergers, or do such events proceed in a more orderly,
peaceful manner? Although it’s conceivable that vast sums of energy could be
expended to artificially shield a planet from the inhospitable radiation of
some post-merger environments, such energy use could tax the energy ecology of
the merging galaxies’ more advanced populations. Worse yet, the merger of two super-massive black holes during a galaxy
merger could be one of the most explosive events yet observed in the universe
(no human has observed such an event, yet). Afterwards, two vast jets of hot material
billow out along both poles of the resulting galaxy’s massive, central black
hole. As astronomers now see in the nearest large elliptical galaxy, Centaurus
A, such jets tend to tilt and can extend across the entire, merged galaxy’s
central axis.49 So, when two merging galaxies’ populations face
stark alteration of their living circumstances, some may seek refuge in
previously unclaimed star systems or in other, surrounding galaxies that aren’t
challenged by the merger.
Among older
alien populations capable of long-distance travel, such events would be a major
concern. Since large-scale crises of the sort have been ongoing for at least
billions of years, at a minimum, there should, by now, be conventions regarding
population ecology on a galactic scale, and larger. However, we can’t safely
assume that major alien populations who tend to such events will always treat
affected populations in a way that is warmly and fully accommodating.
And how might
that affect us, here in the Milky Way? We face certain merger with Andromeda,
which means that the major alien populations, or combination of populations, in
our vicinity and in Andromeda may do everything they can to avoid excess
population growth in our two galaxies. For that reason, the populations of both
galaxies are probably wary of the incursion, here, of colonizers from a distant
In other words,
some of the more definitive exopolitical considerations among aliens who visit
here will have been conditioned by pre-existing, large-scale conventions and
behavioral codes that have existed for millions, if not billions of years
before us. It would be naďve, if not dangerous to think that we can lurch out
with dangerous weapons and do whatever we choose as we explore our interstellar
environment. Astronomers’ data, combined with human sightings and contacts with
aliens, suggest that a variety of alien populations of different sizes and
duration are already either visiting or monitoring this planet. They will judge
us in terms of their larger, more complex realm of expectations.
When those alien
populations mix in our vicinity, the older, more established populations tend
to have the most advanced technology, which raises another important issue that
we must face. The hyper-advanced technologies of some populations are often
neither suitable nor safe for use by less evolved populations. So we can expect
to see certain technological safeguards and limitations built into such
technologies in order to prevent unwarranted theft or abuse by less evolved
aliens. For example, older alien populations may use specially hybridized
sub-groups to approach us. The irony, of course, is that although alien
communities of long duration probably have the most advanced technology, such
societies are sometimes burdened by ancient practices and ideological baggage.
Despite their greater grasp of most issues, we may encounter fixed assumptions
and a kind of inflexibility among such populations. As a result, it may be easy
for some advanced aliens to dismiss many of our current preoccupations as
Nonetheless, as
we expand and refine our understanding of cosmic citizenship the larger
conventions that prevail among aliens will soon become apparent. The message in
human-alien contacts appears to be that we can determine our choice of
relations. We don’t have to submit to the coerced hegemony of a colonizer from
a distant galaxy, but can, instead, interact with safer, less domineering alien
partners. We can choose a variety of more modest inter-stellar associations
initially, while we learn how to be self-sufficient and minimally competent
among aliens. To do so requires honest, coherent expose during the current,
externally imposed occupation phase, a greater public awareness both of human
corruption and the underside of an intervention that has turned that corruption
to its advantage.
So, now that the
principals in the Rockefeller coup of 1953 are mostly dead or non-competent,
the challenge for humankind is to defy a relatively tiny Rockefeller, DuPont
and related cohort in order to speak the simple truth about aliens and life in
an intelligent universe. The first obstacle in most minds is fear. Some think
that to speak out could jeopardize anonymous consumer refuge or the comfort of
a (now failing) financial mafia dependency. Meanwhile, to hide within such
refuge is to perpetuate it and ignore the more mature, refined solutions that
aliens pose and may be willing to share with us.
Among the issues
that may color future human relations with aliens are:
The question of human sexuality compared to more
ecological, less territorial alien versions of cloning. The need to do
selective genetic engineering was reportedly part of the reason for “gray”
aliens’ change to a non-sexual status, yet the change may also have been
determined by the way that pre-existing alien mega-populations
regard sexually reproducing alien proliferation on a galactic scale,
and larger.
The question of whether the alien version of
energy from the vacuum is “free” and unlimited or is, instead, subject to
larger conservations relating to a slight speeding of time (and energy use)
that’s noted in the writings of scalar energy theorist Tom Bearden.
The need to preserve uninhabited wilderness,
unclaimed planets and stars for future populations and/or community energy
A reported prohibition on proliferation of scalar
electromagnetic weapons in interstellar trade and travel corridors
The obvious need for human genetic improvements
The question of whether or not newly evolved
populations must be introduced to alien norms, despite the risks involved.
· The human notion
of individual identity as contrasted with aliens’ more evolved versions of
social identity and community of mind
investigating the alien crew that crashed near Roswell in 1947, the US
government devised new security structures in response to what appeared to have
been an alien intervention into human affairs. However, the secrecy of the CIA,
the NSA, and alien-related programs allowed proliferation, therein, of
corruption without minimum, adequate oversight. The situation worsened when the
Rockefeller coup of 1953 ended elected official control of the US government’s
alien-related programs, allowing a coterie of private interests to steal
control of publicly-gained technologies and then threaten elected officials who
hoped to correct the situation. The US
government had reverted to a pre-revolutionary form that was, in some ways,
worse than the old British monarchy.
whistleblowers allege that the Rockefeller coup led to an occupation phase,
which could, conceivably, jeopardize human self-determination and some of our
solar system’s basic resources. In order to reverse the Rockefeller coup and
open alien-related issues up for more honest human analysis, rigorous expose is
needed, along with active discussion and exploration of contacts with our
long-term, native alien neighbors. By placing such matters in the context of alien
relations on a galactic scale and larger, we may be able to see past an early
intervention in human affairs by what a number of well-ordered human reports
suggest may be an alien colonizer from a distant galaxy.
the Author: After doing graduate study that concentrated on the underside
of US history, George LoBuono reported for the Suttertown News in Sacramento,
then covered the 1993 presidential elections in Indonesia for Pacifica radio
network and investigated deep politics and crime within black budget agencies.
In 1995, he began to research alien-related programs in the US government. He
has worked on several political campaigns and has done activist work on
anti-nuclear and peace/justice issues. He writes on various topics and serves as
a board member of the Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals, a free legal
clinic in Sacramento, CA.
More info at:
39 Steven Greer, Hidden Truth, 123.
40 See
William Cooper speech online at
Numerous other whistleblowers corroborate George Bush’s direct role in
narcotics importation.
41 Steven Greer, Hidden Truth, 114.*
42 Steven
Greer, Hidden
Truth, 156.
43 William
Cooper, 1989 MUFON speech. Online at:
44 Michael
Salla, Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life, 113-114.
45 Cathy
O’Brien, Access Denied, 168. Benjamin Fulford interview online at:
46 Steven
Greer, Disclosure, 268.
47 See
Wolf’s story
online at:
Wolf also mentions the incident in his book The Catchers of Heaven, p.
28. Stone’s version is from a personal communication from a former Army
intelligence officer who was briefed by Stone. William Cooper mentioned the
incident in a speech, seen online at,
and Bob Lazar said he saw info about the firefight in a briefing document
during his work at S-4.
48 See abstract by Harvard Asronomy
professors Cox and Loeb online at:
49 Photo
available online at:
info at: