Introduction to Volume 4:2
Galactic Diplomacy
This second volume of the fourth edition of the Exopolitics Journal continues with the theme of “Extraterrestrial Contact.” This time, the focus is on “Galactic Diplomacy.” While “Official Contact” still is the subject of science fiction, Extraterrestrial Contact already is happening, has been happening for a long time, and is ongoing, on a large scale. Indeed, to date, thousands of individuals have had contact experiences, and the indications are that this phenomenon will increase. As such, there is a growing need for galactic diplomacy; not only for official – or “track I” – diplomacy, but also for “Track II” or “Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrials.”
The first article, “Track Two Galactic Diplomacy: The Role of Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Civilizations” is by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. It is an extract from the first chapter of his latest book, Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET (2013). In it he examines the key principles of ‘galactic diplomacy’ at the unofficial level, as a form of ‘track two’ or citizen diplomacy aimed at establishing contact and communications with different extraterrestrial civilizations. The article analyzes the nature of diplomatic representation on Earth that might be recognized by various extraterrestrial races. Particular focus is on the representative status of different global constituencies such as politically organized humanity, cetaceans, alleged subterranean civilizations, and the role of Earth or ‘Gaia’ as a self-regulating organism with vital interests. Each of these constituencies has their own vital interests that must be included in negotiations that directly impact upon them.
Karen Kael wrote the second article, titled “Awakened Humanity and Exodiplomacy.” In it the author explores the concept of “awakened” humanity, the qualities inherent in that characterization and the role such humans might play in initiating citizen diplomacy with extraterrestrials. The article also addresses the question of what right minorities and individuals have, in democratic societies, to influence the future of the planet through such diplomatic initiatives. Throughout history, ordinary citizens have on occasion sparked revolutionary changes, without violence, without bullying, without imposing their will upon the majority, but rather by declaring and standing up for what they knew in their hearts to be right and true. The author argues that when it comes to Extraterrestrial Contact, it is the citizens transforming their consciousness and empowering themselves as exodiplomats who will lead and help the rest of humanity navigate through the chaos, the fear and the inevitable confusion as we take this inevitable and exciting next step in our evolution.
next article – “Other Worlds” by Richard Cook – is a chapter from his book, Return of the Aeons:
The Planetary Spiritual Ascension (2013). The book’s objective is to
explain today's spiritual ascension of earth and humanity at this unique period
of planetary history and how the Divine Beings are helping us transcend and
transform. The book is part of the literature that is being created about the
post-2012 transition. It is deeply grounded in the author’s own personal
experience in working with the spiritual masters, in teaching spirituality to
others, and in connecting the spiritual changes with current world events such
as the environmental crisis, financial collapse, UFOs, and war and political
crises. The book also offers detailed information in the traditions of
Gnosticism and the perennial philosophy and provides numerous aids for seekers
on establishing and maintaining their own spiritual practice… How, in the face
of overwhelming environmental, political, economic, and ethical problems facing
humanity, the New Earth is yet in formation and how each individual can be a
part of it.
The fourth article, “Physical Contact on Mount Shasta,” is from the hand of Ricardo González. He is a Peruvian contactee, and the author of eight books which deal with the UFO phenomenon and underground civilizations. González saw his first UFO in 1988 at the age of fourteen, and five years later, in 1993, he had his first telepathic contact experience, while observing a craft. In this article, he describes how he met with 54 other people from all over the world at Mt. Shasta in August 2012. On Sunday 26 August, he had a physical contact experience where he was beamed aboard a ship, and got to meet the extraterrestrials he had been having telepathic contact with face to face. Most of the article deals with his encounter on board the ship, and the conversations he had.
Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera, B.A., wrote the fifth article of this volume, “Integral Exopolitics.” In it, he explores how Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” could be applied to Exopolitics, and as such could assist in its different fields, such as the promotion exopolitical activism, the gathering of evidence, or galactic diplomacy. When one has a contact experience, or if Disclosure actually occurs, a more-encompassing frame of reference – a “meta framework” – is needed to make sense of the complex social, cultural, scientific, spiritual and psychological implications of contact. Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” aims to provide such a comprehensive model, which can enhance many orthodox and non-orthodox academic fields including the emerging field of “exopolitics.” The author makes the case that there is an urgent need for a shared understanding of how the entire “Kosmos” is organized. Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” in its current stage could possess a few of the general elements of a beginner’s “Cosmic ABC” necessary to build a much vaster scientific and metaphysical Integral Knowledge, and – conceivably - a better rapport with extraterrestrials.
The sixth article, “The Creation of Modern Man, his Society, Culture, Civilisation and Religions by Extraterrestrial Races” is by Wendy Flentri. In it, she explores the role played by the Anunnaki in the creation and subsequent history of mankind. She concludes there is overwhelming evidence which demands new ways of explaining our existence. As puzzle pieces slot together, a complex picture emerges incorporating Evolution Theory, ancient aliens and Creationism. Ancient myths are proving to be accounts explaining ancient technologies, extraordinary beings and occurrences shaping all aspects of our existence and witnessed/reported by our primitive ancestors.
The seventh and final article again is by Giorgio Piacenza, and is called “Toward an Exo-hierology: Extraterrestrials, Human Contacts with the Cosmos and a Sense of the Sacred.” Analyzing a number of case studies of Andean contactees, the author finds that the contactees and the Extraterrestrials who befriended them have a trait in common: a sense of the sacred.
Manuel Lamiroy, Lic. Juris.
Special Edition Co-Editor
Exopolitics Journal
The December 2013 edition of the Exopolitics Journal is now available for free online at: